CyberBuddy Speech Commands

Versions 3 and 4 Only

The following commands may be used to perform different functions. You should not need to memorize them, they should follow the natural speech for the desired functions. Sometimes CyberBuddy will think it heard something but is not sure. If CyberBuddy has trouble understanding a command, it may ask you to repeat it or ask if it heard it correctly. Answer "Yes" or "OK" if it is correct.

For:                Say:
Help (Shows this Page)        need,get,show or load help
Time                Current Time , Time is, What Time
Restore Program (Un-minimize)    Restore or Open Program
Check Email            Check or Get Email
Read Current Email        Read Email
Send an Email            Send or Compose Email
Weather                Get or Check Weather or Forecast
News                Check, Get or Gather News
Stocks                Check, Get or Gather Stocks
Date                What is Date or Today
Internet Speed            What is (the, my, the current, etc.) Speed
Program Exit            Exit,Quit or Close Program
Minimize Program, hide agent    Hide or Go Away
Quiet/Stop            Quiet, Silence, Stop
Jokes                Tell, Get, Find ,(Do you know, Do you have) (a, me a, etc.) Joke
Thoughts            Tell, Get, Find, (a, me a, etc. ) Thought
Feel Good Message        Feel Good, How are you
Raise Volume            Raise Volume, Volume up, Higher Volume, Louder
Lower Volume            Lower Volume, Volume Down, softer, quieter
CyberBuddy Directory        Buddies Page or Budies Directory
CyberBuddy Homepage        Home Page
Move Around            move around or fly around
Say Hello            Hello

Changing Characters
To Change to another Character, say "Get Character" or "Load Character" or "Find Character" followed by the character's name. The character will load and will become the current default character. For example "Load Character Merlin".

CyberBuddy has a built-in, speech-driven, four function, Calculator. See the
Calculator Page for commands.

Web Browsing
You can use Speech Recognition and CyberBuddy to browse the Internet. See the section on Web Browsing.

Run a Program
CyberBuddy can be configured to understand your commands to run certain programs. To set this up, use Windows Explorer. In the CyberBuddy folder, there will be a sub-folder called "ShortCuts". In this folder, create shortcuts to any program you wish to have CyberBuddy start for you. The name of the shortcut will be used as the name to speak to run that program. There are some examples already in this folder. Try saying "Notepad".

Dial a Phone Number
To access the Phone Function say "load phone" or "get phone".
In certain circumstances, CyberBuddy can dial phone numbers for you. With the self -contained Phone Book, you can ask to dial a phone number by speaking the person's name. See the
Phone Functions section for details.

Custom Speech Responses
You can tell CyberBuddy to listen for certain words or phrases and issue responses that you have designed. Check out the
Custom Speech Response section.

Important: Remember, training the speech recognition engine and the correct adjustment of your microphone parameters will add to the accuracy of CyberBuddy in understanding your speech. These items can be adjusted on the Speech Options Window in the Speech Control Panel section.