CyberBuddy can bring you the latest news. Check the "Check for News" box to have CyberBuddy gather breaking headlines at designated times.

CyberBuddy will give you the headlines. You can also get the full story from the News Page on the CyberBuddy Website: . Right click the agent and select News Page to go there.

Select how often you would like the news to be checked. You can check every 15 minutes or up to every 3 hours (180 minutes). Although the news is checked as often as you indicate, you will not receive any news unless the headlines have changed since your last news check.

Select the desired news categories. At least one category must be select in order to receive any news.

Select the number of headlines (1 to 5) that you would like to receive for each category.

Press the "Check News Now" to get the latest headlines, if available.
Note: If you right-click on the Agent Character, a pop-up menu will appear that will also allow you to check news.

Web Page
Brings the news web page up in your browser. Get the details for the headlines. You can also right click the Agent character to get this selection.

Clicking on the Agent Character after a news report has been read will repeat the news report.
Double Clicking the Agent Character will stop the news report in progress.

Note on News: Remember that if the "Updates Only" box is checked, the news will be heard only when the content changes. This means that even if you check for the news every 15 minutes, you will not hear a news report until the headlines change. Also, the news server filters out headlines that are too many hours old, so if you do not get headlines for a selected category, there may not be breaking news in that category at the moment.

Want you own customized news channel? Check out the
Web Watching Wizard section.