CyberBuddy version allows for more languages.
Keep checking for updates on this page.
If you would like to volunteer for translation, please email. Use the contact page for email address.
Many thanks to our volunteers for the translation files. |
Digalo also offers speech engines for French, German, Spanish, Brazilian, Russian, British English, and US English They are not free, but I understand they are low cost. | ![]() |
Note: CyberBuddy version 2.10.01 and higher has the speech files built in. You can just go to the "Advanced Options" section on the "General" tab and select the desired Language text files. |
Spoken Language |
TTS Engine |
Language Add-On |
American English | tv_enua.exe | (installed with CyberBuddy) |
British English | lhttseng.exe | |
Dutch | lhttsdun.exe | agtx0413.exe |
French | lhttsfrf.exe | agtx040C.exe |
German | lhttsged.exe | agtx0407.exe |
Italian | lhttsiti.exe | agtx0410.exe |
Japanese | lhttsjpj.exe | agtx0411.exe |
Korean | lhttskok.exe | agtx0412.exe |
Portuguese (Brazilian) | lhttsptb.exe | agtx0416.exe |
Russian | lhttsrur.exe | agtx0419.exe |
Spanish | lhttsspe.exe | agtx0C0A.exe |