$$preload http://thecyberbuddy.com/tutorials/speechrec/ @@&&wwwhttp://thecyberbuddy.com/tutorials/speechrec &&wait &&SFXintro2.mid=volume=100 \pau=6000\ $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&108&&143&&10 @@ &&hide &&MoveToCenter &&Greet Welcome to the CyberBuddy Speech Recognition Tutorial &&Suggest This tutorial is split into several sections. &&GestureRight You can see a list of the sections behind me. &&process Please note that this section is still under construction. &&gestureup New tutorials in this section will be added soon, so keep checking. &&GestureDown If you have been through this overview before, just double-click me to stop. Then select the desired section. \pau=1000\ &&GetAttention In \emp\any of the tutorials, you can click on me once, to \emp\pause the tutorial. &&Pleased You can then click me \emp\again, to resume. \pau=2000\ &&Explain With Speech Recognition, CyberBuddy can &&StartListening \emp\listen for your commands. &&GestureLeft I can be asked for the Date, Time, News, Weather, Stocks or Internet Speed. &&GestureRight You can ask me to get or read your email. &&GestureLeft You can ask for a joke or thought for the day. &&GestureRight I can change to another character at your command, or raise or lower my volume. &&GestureDown You can ask me to run certain programs for you. &&GestureLeft You can even surf the web by asking me to show or read certain web pages for you. &&Pleased I even have a speech driven calculator and, with version 4, a telephone interface that allows me to dial phone numbers at your command. &&Alert Please note that speech recognition in Cyberbuddy is available only in versions 3 and 4. &&Explain Version 4 is the same as version 3 but with the telephone interface. It includes Caller ID. &&Uncertain If you are using the Cyberbuddy as downloaded from the internet, you are using version \emp\2. &&Decline Version 2, does \emp\not have speech recognition. &&wait @@&&wwwhttp://thecyberbuddy.com &&explain Due to the files required, versions 3 and 4 of CyberBuddy are available \emp\only on the CyberBuddy CD-ROM. Check the CyberBuddy homepage for details. &&restpose \pau=2000\ &&Explain To use speech recognition, I must be \emp\listening for your commands. &&GestureDown To place me in listen mode, you press the speech recognition hot-key on the keyboard. &&GestureLeft This is usually the scroll-lock key. \pau=500\ &&Explain The key that is used for the hot-key can be changed. You will learn about this in the speech options section. &&Decline Don't do this now, because I am busy giving you this tutorial. &&StartListening When you want me to listen, press and hold the listen key, speak your command, and release the key. &&wait @@&&wwwhttp://thecyberbuddy.com/tutorials/speechrec/page2.html &&Explain You should see a small text box that appears below me. This is called, the listening tips window. &&Acknowledge This box confirms that I am in the listening mode, indicates what I am listening for, and shows, what I thought I heard. &&GestureUp Examples of this are shown on the page behind me. &&Confused You might be wondering what you can \emp\say to me. &&Read All my commands, are listed in the help file. \pau=500\ In fact, you can say "Get Help", and I will show you the help file, and turn to the section about my commands. &&Explain Normally, you can command me with normal speech. &&Suggest For example, you can say "What time is it?" or "Please check my email". &&DontRecognize If I don't understand your command, I may tell you so. Or, you may see what you said, in my listening tips window, but I don't \emp\respond. &&Confused This is because I was not sure of what you said. &&Explain You can adjust how sensitive and accurate I am with your commands, in the Speech Recognition options. This is covered in another tutorial section. \pau=2000\ &&Pleased Now that I have given you the basics of Speech Recognition, your are ready to go to another section. &&Suggest One thing I should mention. The Speech Recognition Engine \emp\can operate with little or no training. But, it can operate even better with some training. &&Explain Training consistes of speaking some phrases to the Speech Recognition Engine while the text is shown on the screen. In this way, the Speech Recognition Engine can learn about the nature of your individual speech patterns. You can learn more about training in the Speech Recognition Options tutorial. \pau=1000\ &&Wait @@&&wwwhttp://thecyberbuddy.com/tutorials/SpeechRec &&MoveToBottomLeft &&GestureLeft \pau=2000\ &&estpose Now, lets go on to some specific areas of CyberBuddy Speech Recognition. \pau=1000\ Select the desired tutorial from this page.