$$preload http://thecyberbuddy.com/tutorials/email/ @@&&wwwhttp://thecyberbuddy.com/tutorials/email &&wait &&SFXintro2.mid=volume=100 \pau=6000\ $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&108&&143&&10 Overview @@ &&hide &&MoveToCenter &&Greet Welcome to the CyberBuddy Email Tutorial &&Suggest This tutorial is split into several sections. &&GestureRight You can see a list of the sections behind me. &&GestureDown If you have been through this overview before, just double-click me to stop. Then select the desired section. \pau=1000\ &&GetAttention In \emp\any of the tutorials, you can click on me once, to \emp\pause the tutorial. &&Pleased You can then click me \emp\again, to resume. \pau=2000\ &&Explain CyberBuddy can check your POP type email and alert you when mail arrives. &&decline CyberBuddy can \emp\not check web-based mail, such as, Hotmail, and, Juno. It also cannot check proprietary email systems, such as AOL. &&Explain Certain web-based email services, such as Yahoo Email, have POP email capability. Even Hotmail, can be setup to alert another email account, when mail is received. &&suggest You can therefore, setup your hotmail account, to alert a POP type account, of a new mail message. This POP account could then be checked by CyberBuddy. &&Wait @@&&wwwhttp://thecyberbuddy.com/Page7.html &&GestureDown Check the \map="fak"="FAQ"\ on the CyberBuddy home page for information regarding special email setups. &&Explain Although CyberBuddy is not intended to be a full Email client, it contains \emp\many Email features. &&GestureRight When CyberBuddy shows you your mail, it does not delete it automatically from the server, like your regular Email client program does. &&RestPose You can, however, choose to delete the Emails from the server yourself. This will be explained later. &&Explain Also, CyberBuddy will ignore any attachments, contained in your email. &&Wait @@&&wwwhttp://thecyberbuddy.com/tutorials/email/Page2.html &&MoveToBottomLeft &&GestureLeft When Email is found, the CyberBuddy Icon in the system tray will animate, as you see here. \pau=5000\ &&estpose Now, lets go on to some specific areas of CyberBuddy Email. \pau=1000\ @@&&wwwhttp://thecyberbuddy.com/tutorials/email Select the desired Email tutorial from this page.