$$preload http://thecyberbuddy.com/stories/ $$CCROBBY&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273002&&77&&155&&10 &&Greet ##, Merlin, will now tell the story of: &&Suggest The Princess and the Pea. &&Pleased \pau=1000\ $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&108&&139&&10 &&DoMagic1 &&MoveToCenter &&Announce Once upon a time &&Restpose there was a prince &&GestureUp who wanted to marry a princess. &&Greet but she would have to be a \emp\real princess. &&AppearTopLeft &&LookLeft &&Lookup &&LookRight &&lookdown &&blink &&AppearBottomRight &&LookLeft &&LookRight &&MoveToCenter He travelled \emp\all over the world to find one, but, nowhere could he get what he wanted. &&LookRight There were \emp\\map="prin-sehses"="princesses"\ enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were \emp\real ones. &&LookDown There was always \emp\something about them that was not as it should be. &&Explain So he came home again, &&Sad and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a \emp\real princess. &&Restpose \pau=1000\ &&Explain One evening a \emp\terrible storm came on &&Uncertain there was thunder and lightning, &&SFXThunder2.wav &&GestureUp and the rain poured down in torrents. &&SFXrainShort.wav &&GetAttention \chr="Whisper"\ Suddenly, a knocking was heard at the city gate. &&Blink The old king went to open it. &&SFXDoorSqueak.wav &&Surprised It was a princess, standing out there in front of the gate! &&Blink But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. &&Explain The water ran down from her hair and clothes; &&GestureDown it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. &&Confused And yet she said that she was a real princess. &&Think "Well, we'll soon find that out," thought the old queen. &&Search But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bed, and laid a \emp\pea at the bottom. &&Explain Then she took \emp\twenty mattresses, and laid them on the pea. &&Suggest On this, the princess had to lie \emp\all night. &&GestureLeft In the morning she was asked how she had slept. \pau=500\ &&DontRecognize "\emp\Oh, very badly!" she said. &&Confused "I have scarcely closed my eyes \emp\all night. &&GestureUp \pau=500\Heaven only knows what was in the bed. &&GestureDown but I was lying on \emp\something hard, so that I am black and blue all \emp\over my body. &&Sad It's horrible!" \pau=1000\ &&Explain Now they \emp\knew that she was a \emp\real princess, &&Pleased because she had felt the \emp\pea, right through the \emp\twenty mattresses. &&Suggest \emp\Nobody, but a \emp\real princess could be as sensitive as that. &&DoMagic2 So the prince took her for his wife &&Explain for now, he knew that he had a real princess &&GestureLeft and the pea was put in the museum, &&GestureDown where it may still be seen, &&Uncertain \chr="Whisper"\if no one has stolen it. &&Write There, that is a true story. &&DoMagic1 \emp\"The End." &&MoveDelta800&&800