$$preload http://thecyberbuddy.com/stories/ $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearBottomRight Hello! &&AppearCenter I am Merlin. &&DontRecognize What is \emp\your name? \pau=1500\ &&pleased ##, is a nice name. &&explain ##, I am going to tell you a story. Here is one especially for you. It is called, &&DoMagic2 \map="Little Red Riding Hood \pau=500\"="Little Red Riding Hood"\ &&Read \emp\ Once upon a time, there lived a \map="wood cutter"="woodcutter"\, his wife and their only little daughter in a cottage, on the edge of the village. The little girl was the \emp\prettiest thing you have ever seen. Her mother made for her a little red \map="hood"="hood"\ which suited her so well, &&Explain that everyone called her Little Red Riding\map=" Hood "="Hood"\ &&Read She made friends not only with people, but also with the birds and the beasts. She was not afraid of anything, not even of the dark. &&Blink One day her mother who had just made some cakes, said to her, $$CCGENIE&&c77c5160-2867-11d0-847B-444553540000&&80&&139&&10 &&AppearCenter &&GestureLeft ^+"My dear, you shall go and see how your grandmother is, for I have heard she is ill. ^+ Take with you this cake, a pot of butter and a bottle of blackberry wine. ^+ Do not stay too long, for I shall be worried." $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter &&Read Little Red Riding \map="Hood "="Hood"\ was \emp\delighted to do her mother's errand. She put on her red cloak, kissed her mother and started off to her grandmother's cottage which was in another village. &&Blink &&GestureRight The way led through the woods, but Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\ was not the least bit afraid. &&SFXbirdchirping.wav The \emp\birds kept her company and sang their sweetest songs. The \emp\squirrels ran up and down the tall trees and made her laugh at their funny antics. &&Read Now and then a rabbit would come across her path. Sometimes, Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\ would run after the bunnies, but they always managed to get away. &&Blink After a while she grew hungry. &&RestPose She sat down on a flat stone to eat the nice lunch her mother had packed for her. As she was hungry, the food tasted delicious. &&explain It was very lonely in the woods, but Red Riding \map="hood"="Hood"\ thought only of the wild flowers. They were so beautiful. She went out of the path to gather some violets, \map="honey suckle"="honeysuckle"\ and sweet ferns which she made into a pretty \map="nose gay"="nosegay"\. &&Sad When she turned to go back to the path she could not find it. &&Search She was scared for she was lost. &&AppearTopRight &&Read The \emp\birds knew that she was lost. &&Blink As the birds were her friends, two of them flew down $$CCPeedy&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273001&&181&&155&&10 &&AppearTopRight &&MoveToBottomLeft $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&GestureLeft and led her out of the tangle of brushwood into the path again. &&AppearCenter &&Read While she sat resting for a few moments, a wolf, who would love to have her for lunch, spoke to her. $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearCenter &&Greet ^+"Good day!" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter said the wolf, $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearCenter &&Explain "Where are you going by yourself, little girl?" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&MoveToCenter &&Explain The poor child, who did not know it was dangerous to talk to a wolf, answered, $$CCPeedy&&c77c51d0-2867-11d0-847B-444553540000&&181&&155&&10 $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearTopLeft &&MoveToCenter &&GestureDown ^+"I am taking this cake, a little pot of butter and a bottle of blackberry wine that my mother made ^+ to my grandmother." $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&MoveToCenter "She ought to be proud of such a lovely granddaughter," $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter said the wolf. &&Pleased Pleased with this compliment Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\ let the wolf walk by her side, although the birds kept warning her that he was wicked. $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&MoveToCenter &&Explain "Where does your grandmother live?" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter asked the wolf in a sweet voice. $$CCPEEDY&&c77c5160-2867-11d0-847B-444553540000&&77&&155&&10 $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearCenter &&GestureRight ^+"Just outside the woods. You can see her cottage through the trees," $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter said the little girl. $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearCenter &&Acknowledge "Oh, yes," $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter said the wolf, $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearCenter &&Think "I think I will call on your grandmother too. \pau=300\ Suppose you take the left path &&GestureLeft while I follow this one to the right, &&GestureRight and we will have a little race, to see who gets to the cottage first." $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&MoveToCenter &&Explain Of course the wolf knew he was sure to win the race, for he had chosen the shortest way, but Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\ suspected nothing. &&Blink The little girl had taken the longest way, amused herself by gathering nuts, running after butterflies, plucking daisies and buttercups. &&Explain She was so innocent and did not know that wolves might seem to be mild as sheep, but still be wolves at heart. &&gesturedown The wolf took the shortcut, and soon came to the grandmother's cottage ahead of Little Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\. &&GetAttention He knocked on the door. &&SFXKnockOnDoor.wav The old lady, who was in bed, said: $$CCOZZAR&&c77c5160-2867-11d0-847B-444553540000&&77&&155&&10 ^+"Who's there?" $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft ^+"'Your grand-daughter, Little Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood,"\ $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter said the wolf in a shrill voice, $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft ^+ "and I have brought you a cake, a little pot of butter, and a bottle blackberry wine that my mother sends you." $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter The good old grandmother, who was ill in bed, called out, $$CCOZZAR&&c77c5160-2867-11d0-847B-444553540000&&80&&139&&10 &&AppearBottomRight ^+"Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up!" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&MoveToCenter &&Read The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened. &&SFXDoorSqueak.wav The wolf who had not eaten for three days, then \emp\jumped on the old woman and \emp\gobbled her up in only a minute. &&Blink Then he shut the door. &&SFXDoorcls.wav Rolled himself up in the grandmother's bed and waited for little Red Riding \map=" Hood"="Hood"\. After 10 minutes there was knocking at the door. &&SFXKnockOnDoor.wav And the wolf called out, as the old lady had done: $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft ^+"Who's there?" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter &&Read Little Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\ who heard the gruffy voice of the wolf, was frightened at first. It was unlike her grandmother's voice. Thinking that her grandmother had a bad cold, she answered, $$CCPeedy&&c77c51d0-2867-11d0-847B-444553540000&&181&&155&&10 $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearBottomRight ^+"This is your granddaughter, Little Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\. ^+ And I have brought for you a cake, a little pot of butter and a bottle blackberry wine that my mother sends you." $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter Then the wolf called to her, in as soft a voice as he could, $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft ^+"Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up!" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter Little Red Riding Hood pulled the bobbin and the door opened. &&SFXDoorSqueak.wav She went in and closed the door. &&SFXdoorcls.wav When the wolf saw her come in, he covered himself up to the neck with the blanket, and said, $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft ^+"Please put the basket on the table and come lie down beside me." $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter &&Read Little Red Riding Hood took off her cloak and went over to the bedside. She was surprised to see how strange her grandmother looked in her night-cap. &&Uncertain She was scared at the change that she thought had come over her grandmother. &&think What could be the matter with her to make her look like this? She must have some terrible disease. $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearBottomRight &&Confused ^+"Oh Grandma! , what big \emp\eyes you have got." $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft ^+ "The better to \emp\see with, my child," $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter said the wolf, imitating the grandmother's voice. $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearBottomRight ^+ "Oh Grandma!" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter cried the child, $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearBottomRight ^+ "What a great long \emp\nose you have got!" $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft ^+ "The better to \emp\smell with, my child." $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearBottomRight ^+ "My Grandma. What great big \emp\ears you have got!" $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft "The better to \emp\hear with, my child." $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearBottomRight "Oh Grandma! what great \emp\arms you have got!" $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft "The better to \emp\hug you with, my dear!" $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearBottomRight "Oh Grandma! What great \emp\legs you have got!" $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft "All the better to \emp\run with, my dear!" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter &&Surprised Red Riding Hood became more scared than she had ever been in her life, and her voice trembled when she said: $$CCButterCup&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273008&&226&&127&&10 &&AppearBottomRight ^+"Oh Grandma! What great, big. \emp\teeth you have got!" $$CCAl&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273003&&1&&149&&10 &&AppearBottomLeft &&Pleased "The better to \emp\eat you up!" $$CCMerlin&&ca141fd0-ac7f-11d1-97A3-006008273000&&80&&126&&10 &&AppearCenter said the wolf in his own voice. &&Read He was just about to put his long sharp yellow fangs in poor Little Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\, when the door was flung open. &&SFXDoorSqueak.wav &&Pleased A number of men armed with axes rushed in and forced him let go of his hold. Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\ fainted in her father's arms. He was on his way home from work, with some other men, and was just in time to save his dear little daughter. &&GestureUp With one or two strokes of the axe the wolf's head was cut off. &&SFXApplause.wav His body was tied to a pole and carried back in triumph by the woodcutters. &&Read Friends from far and near came to see Little Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\, and she had to tell over and over again just where she met the wolf, how he looked and what he said. It seemed, as if she never got out of the woods at all, not even in her dreams. \pau=1000\ &&GetAttention Do you know what is the moral of the story, ##? \pau=400\ &&Suggest This is the moral. \pau=500\ When you are sent on an errand, do it right away. And do it as quickly as you can. Do not stop to play along the way or to make friends with strangers, who may turn out to be wolves in sheep's clothings. &&gesturedown Don't tempt fate like our dear Little Red Riding \map="Hood"="Hood"\. \pau=1000\ THE END \pau=1000\ &&Wave \map="bye bye"="Bye, Bye"\, ##. &&Hide