Joke of the day
Thought of the Day
These are jokes, thoughts, inspirational sayings and such that are posted by other CyberBuddy users. When these boxes are checked, CyberBuddy will check, at random times, for a new joke or thought. If no new jokes or thoughts have been posted today, CyberBuddy will attempt to select a joke or thought from an archive.
Click the "Get" button to search for a joke or thought now.

Do you know a good joke, or have a nice inspirational thought? Share it with other CyberBuddies. Your message will be broadcast to thousands of CyberBuddies around the world. Click the "Post a Joke or Thought" button to post a message on one of the CyberBuddy servers. You must be online before doing this. Your message will remain on the server for one day. (if it's really good, it may be placed in the CyberBuddy archive on the server). All messages are "G" rated. The rules are posted on the entry page.